The Koala room (3-26 months)
Our Koala Room provides a cosy warm environment, creating a calm stimulating place, in which youngest little people can grow in confidence and develop at their own pace. All their experiences and senses are nurtured through play and adult interaction.
Your child will be supported by their 'key person' within the room. It is their responsibility to support and guide the whole family into 'Nursery life'. They are the link between parent and Nursery. We recognise every child is 'unique'. The day is planned with fun and exciting times. There will be songs, stories, outdoor play, walks and lots of cuddles.
Before your child joins us, we will meet to discuss sleep, eating and your child's current routine. In addition to exploring any cultural approaches, and of course any worries or concerns. Staff in the Koala room have many years experience. They have a wealth of knowledge and expertise ready to share with you.
As your child grows and develops our focus in on learning language and independence. Resources are at the child's level for them to pick and have free choice. We are explorers inside and outside loving the garden area, especially the mud kitchen! Rain or shine we aim to go out twice a day.
Messy activities are a must, ranging from food play, to play dough, paint and water, to sand and chalk.
Independence is encouraged at every level and staff are skilled at providing many opportunities through play, eating and sleeping your child will be challenged, taught and stretched to be ready for the next stage of life. This really supports the children to begin to make judgements and think critically. We are a fun, relaxed room that aims to encourage and support the children as they grow, change and develop into very little people.
Koala Room Routine
8.15 - Koala Room opens
9.15 - Snack
Free play/garden play and messy session
11.20 - Lunch
Noon - Sleep time
2.15 - Garden play/free play and messy session
3.00 - Afternoon tea
4.00 - Free play session