Terms and conditions
A deposit of £1,000 is payable on acceptance of the place. If payment is not received into the nursery account within 10 days of receipt of the Offer of place, the place may be offered to another child.
If a place is accepted but not taken up, there will be no refund of the deposit unless at least 8 weeks' notice is given in writing to the Nursery Manager prior to the start date. If more than 8 weeks' notice is given in writing 50% of the deposit will be refunded.
Once the place is taken up, the deposit is refundable when the child leaves the nursery provided 6 weeks' notice of withdrawal of the child is given in writing to the Nursery Manager, or the child leaves at the end date given in the offer of place. The amount refundable will be equal to the original amount paid minus any outstanding fees. If less than 6 week' notice is given of withdrawal before the end date, there will be no refund of deposit.
No interest is paid on the deposit.
All places are offered on a fixed term basis for a period until the end date given in the Offer of Place, at which point this contract comes to an end. The End Date will typically be 31st August of the year that your child goes to school but shorter term places are sometimes offered depending on capacity in the Nursery. Where a place is offered for such a shorter period, you acknowledge and understand that nursery will not typically be able to offer your child a continuing place at the end of that period, although that may on occasion be possible.
Fees are to be paid in full monthly to reach the nursery account at the latest by the 8th of each month.
Fees are payable all year round.
Fees are subject to change at any time with 4 weeks written notice given; fees are normally reviewed annually and changes will take effect from 1st October.
We accept payment by BACS. Cheque, Standing Order, Childcare Vouchers and Nursery Education Grant (if you child is eligible).
The start date of a place offered and accepted cannot be changed.
The one or two week recommended transition period is charged at an hourly rate and happens prior to the start date. Full fees apply from the start date regardless of attendance.
Full fees also apply during non-attendance due to illness (including if your child is well again but excluded due to incubation periods or your child is ill for long periods of time), family holidays or any other reasons.
In the interests of other children and staff a child can be excluded on medical grounds even if well (such as if they have a communicable disease and an incubation period applies). For more detail please see the Nursery's policy on Managing Illness and Administering Medicines, which can be found here.
There is an additional charge for late collections at the sole discretion of the Nursery Manager. This applies to full and part time places.
The nursery closes between Christmas and New Year, and on bank holidays and for two staff training days a year.
The Nursery has detailed policies governing Health and Safety, Child Welfare and Well-being, the relationship between parents and nursery complaint procedures, as well as several other areas. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with these and contact the Nursery Manager if you have any queries. The policies are available and can be found here.
The Nursery reserves the right to close in exceptional circumstances such as extreme weather, power failure, damage to buildings or multiple staff illness. You will be informed in the morning under the contact details left with the nursery. No refunds of fees will be given in that case and the Nursery is not liable for any resulting childcare or other costs incurred.